It's hard to know the exact numbers, but I'll venture a guess that well over half of the JSF sites that exist in the world are running Oracle's Mojarra implementation of the JSF spec.  Did you know that this implemention is the first large part of JavaEE (then J2EE) to be open-sourced, way back in 2004?  As with any decent open source project, we have public continuous integration, a public version control system (VCS), and public source browsing tools.  This last part is the subject of this blog entry.


First, ohloh.  If you don't have an ohloh account yet, please get one at <>.  It has the"social coding" part of the whole GitHUB thing (without octocats, sadly) but not bound to any one VCS technology.  Mauricio Scheffer has a nice blog entry listing the benefits of Ohloh in the panoply of similar technologies. <>.  The ohloh project page for Mojarra is at <>.


Second, svnsearch.  These days, svn is to git as XML was to Java annotationsfour years ago.  Quite possibly the worst thing about svnsearch is the name, and that's only if your a git snob.  It seems to have a nice interface and seems to be very solid.  Vcsism aside, I like it.  The svnsearch project page for Mojarra is at <>.


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