JSF 2.0 EG Issue tracker traversal meeting Blog
had an expert group meeting for JSR-314-EG today. The goal of the
meeting was to make process on the issues in our issue tracker of record
at <https://javaserverfaces-spec-public.dev.java.net/servlets/ProjectIssues
>. Before the meeting, I took each of the issues in the current issue tracker, styled with the winning XSLT stylesheet
and put them into 7 roughly equal buckets. I chose seven "issue
captains" from the JSR-314 EG and Mojarra team and made each one
responsible for "understanding" the issues in their bucket. That meant I
could ask various questions to the group of issue captains and expect
reasonably informed answers.
An hour before the meeting started, Ryan, Roger, Jim and I spent some time removing duplicates from each of our own issue captain lists. During the first 30 minutes of the meeting, we went through my issue captain list and removed duplicates. The process used in both cases: the "current" issue captain would reach each of their issues and the rest of the issue captains present would have to speak up if one of their issues was a clear duplicate of the "current" issue. The current issue captain would also make an assesment of whether or not the issue should be closed outright for any reason (FIXED, WONTFIX, etc). After 30 minutes of this, we gave up and moved on to the next exercise.
After the obvious duplicates were removed, I asked each issue captain to list their top five or so issues from their bucket list only that they would like to see addressed. This took about 50 minutes. With the remaining time, I asked each issue captain to give me their top five "easy" issues.
Here are some issue tracker queries with our results.
open issues remaining after this meeting: 180
issues resolved at this meeting: 59
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Technorati Tags: edburns
We're currently discussing the semantics we're assigning to the various fields in the database. I think some of the issues were marked WONTFIX, when really they should be LATER. So, let me say that when you see WONTFIX, just think of it as WONTFIX now. //
Ed, can you have a look at your RESOLVED DUPLICATE list it contains a new issue #206. //
My top 3 picks are: https://javaserverfaces-spec-public.dev.java.net/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=1 https://javaserverfaces-spec-public.dev.java.net/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=329 https://javaserverfaces-spec-public.dev.java.net/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=422 //
I can't believe that you are wasting time by pretty-printing issues (xslt contest) instead of resolving them. JSF 2 is long overdue. //
joblini, thanks for your comments and your indication of urgency for JSF 2.0. We feel the urgency as well. You'll be happy to know that *I* didn't waste my time on it, I had someone from way outside the JSF team do so, please see the "contest" blog entry earlier this month. Hooray for community! Also, if you've ever tried to use Java.net's issue tracking software (whatever version of issuezilla they're running) you'd understand that pretty printing is the quickest way to start resolving issues! Please stick with us! //
392 Guest Aug 21, 2008 9:08 AM