JSF2 European Tour, Spring 2009 Blog
I just returned from presenting JSF2 at three wonderful conferences in German speaking Europe.
Mathema Frühjarcampus, in Erlangen, Germany
Irian JSFDays in Vienna, Austria
S&S Verlag JAX in Mainz, Germany
My trip to JAX included a side trip to Michael Hütterman’s Köln Java User Group.
Mathema Füjahrcampus is a smaller and more intimate version of the annual Herbstcampus put on by Mathema in the Fall. I really loved the Füjahrcampus. Mathema boss and noted author Oliver Szymanski gave several sessions together, including a full day workshop on JSF2. This was practice for my upcoming Java University Workshop on JSF 2. Thanks to Oliver, Michael, Nana and the whole Mathema team for putting on a great conference.
Audience during Ed and Martin’s JSF2 talk at JSFDays 2009
The annual JSFDays Conference in Vienna was a huge success, with over 250 attendees and many of the leading individuals in the JSF community in attendence. For a conference mainly devoted to just to JSF, that’s a good amount. I particularly enjoyed Hazem Saleh’s presentation on GMaps4JSF, and Daniel Lichtenberger’s presentation on his JSF enabled software stack called Flexive. Very cool stuff. The slides and videos for most of the sessions at JSFDays are available at for a small fee at <http://jsfdays.irian.at/registration/preregindex.jsf>.
The annual JAX conference is the largest non-academic software development conference in Germany. I’d never had the pleasure of attending before, and it was really excellent. S&S has been running JAX since 2001 and they really have the conference thing down. This year there was one “JSF Day” during the conference proper, and a “JSF Experts Day” the next day after the conference. Thanks to Andy Bosch and Matthias Weßendorf; for organizing these days. It looks like the slides from the JSF Experts Day are available at <http://it-republik.de/jaxenter/jax/ccm_jsf_fr>, though that site may be for registrants only.
I’ve taken the JSF2 presentation that Martin and I gave at JAX and modified it slightly to make it available at <https://javaserverfaces.dev.java.net/presentations/jsf2-complete-tour.odp and https://javaserverfaces.dev.java.net/presentations/jsf2-complete-tour.pdf>.
Technorati Tags: edburns
And what about a release date Ed? Any idea? //
Israelgbf: Planned to be out by JavaOne 2009. rahul_maha: yes, it's in there. mwildam: Good to see you online here. In fact, it seems you're all over the place! //
its one of the best news for JSF 2. Bookmarkable URLs in JSF 2 specifications was long long awaited. Thanks for the good work. //
392 Guest May 1, 2009 12:50 AM