jsr-314-comments@jcp.org: ready for your input Blog
Back in March, I was able to deliver on a long-ago-made promise to
make the JSF EG discussions observable
by everyone. One must accept the legal terms in order to view the
discussions, but the process is simple and to date at least 70
individual have registered to observe the list. Dan Allen, the JBoss
representitive on the JSR-314 group, and a stalwart advocate for
open-ness, suggested we promote the existing process for taking in
public feedback on the spec: send an email to jsr-314-comments@jcp.org
We'll spice this up with the guarantee that one of the EG members will
moderate mails sent to this list and forward them on to the EG. The
responsibility for being list moderator will rotate among EG members and
will start with Dan Allen himself.
Now that the spec has passed Final Approval Ballot, it's just a matter of time before the official spec is downloadable from JCP.org. In the meantime, you can get it at <https://javaserverfaces-spec-public.dev.java.net/files/documents/1936/134499/jsf-spec-2.0-all.zip> Sun's Mojarra implementation is very solid, and is integrated into Glassfish V3 Preview, along with NetBeans ready sample projects. In addition, the Mojarra Implementation runs just fine on Tomcat and Jetty and can be downloaded at <https://javaserverfaces.dev.java.net/download.html>.
be shy, you can consider jsr-314-comments@jcp.org
as the
posting address to the jsr-314-open@jcp.org
mailing list,
which is now formally moderated by the EG.
Technorati Tags: edburns
Not exactly about the topic but... is there any book about JSF2 coming too? JSF2 In Action maybe? //
Ed, Congratulations on JSF 2! Is there a chance the list at... https://javaserverfaces-spec-public.dev.java.net/ ...called 'Issues the EG *intends* to address for JSF 2.0' will get updated with what *actually* got addressed? Or did they all make it in? Or has the list moved somewhere else? Regards, Richard. //
Yes, Chris Schalk and I are working right now on JavaServer Faces 2: The Complete Reference, for McGraw Hill. //
Back in March, I was able to deliver on a long-ago-made promise to make the JSF EG discussions One must accept the legal terms in order to view the discussions, but the process is simple and to date at least 70 individual have registered to observe the list. the JBoss representitive on the JSR-314 group, and a stalwart advocate for open-ness, suggested we promote the existing process for taking in public feedback on the spec: send an email to . We'll spice this up with the guarantee that one of the EG members will moderate mails sent to this list and forward them on to the EG. The responsibility for being list moderator will rotate among EG members and will start with Dan Allen himself.
392 Guest Jun 10, 2009 4:27 AM