JavaLand 2019 Conference Picks
It’s time for my favorite of the year: JavaLand! This year I have the great blessing to be giving the Tuesday keynote. I consider it a great honor to be in such esteemed company as Martin Thompson, Holly Cummins, Adam Gowdiak (though I shan’t be dissing on anyone’s security practices), and other past keynote speakers. I hope I’m up to the task. I’ve been practicing.
I also am very happy to be teaching a class with my long time training partner Oliver Szymanski. This year we are teaching about Docker and Kubernetes. The title of the workshop is “Cloud Perspective: Kubernetes is like an App Server, but more Cloudy”, but I saw a funny tweet last week that sums it up more humorously: Kubernetes is the Websphere of the millenials.
This post lists my conference session picks. I hope to attend as many of these as possible, but there is so much going on that I may not be able to make it. There were many times when multiple sessions that I want to attend were scheduled at the same time, apologies to the speakers of the one’s not chosen. Take a look at program yourself.
08:30 Wintergarden - Test Driven Architecture - Peter Gafert
This talk promises to take what we all love about TDD and apply it to microservices based architectures. This seems a tall order, so I’m keen to see what it’s about.
11:00 Wintergarden - Community-Controlled Jakarta EE with JAX-RS and MVC - Christan Kaltepoth and friends
It’s been more than two years since Jakarta EE was announced and things are really rolling now. MVC is a great example of what can be done in this new approach to developing the standard for enterprise Java.
12:00 Rotunde - Master your Java Applications in Kubernetes - Andy Moncsek
Ever since seeing Ray Tsang’s talk about Docker Tips and Tricks at DevNexus 2017, people have been trying to avoid pitfall when combining Java and Docker. I think the same things need to be said about Java and Kubernetes, and I expect Andy will say them.
13:00 STOCKs - Jenkins X Continuously Driving the Kloud - Gerd Aschemann
I vividly remember the first time Kohsuke showed my Hudson, back in 2005 or so. Even back then, it was clear that CI was going to be the way things work in the future. Nowadays, the CI space is more crowded than ever: TravisCI, GitLab, CircleCI, and many many more. I’d like to see what Gerd has to say about the state of Jenkins and the new Jenkins X.
14:00 TIE:
I can’t let a JavaLand go by without seeing a talk by Das Niko, but on the other hand, Sven Peters is also a very excellent speaker, with a compelling topic. So I’ll list both and see which one I can make.
14:00 Silverado Theater - Das Geheimnis erfolgreicher Teams - Sven Peters
Having written and thought extensively about so-called Rockstar Programmers, and in particular their role in successful teams, I want to hear what Sven has to say about the whole thing.
14:00 Schauspielhaus - Container vs. Serverless - the Good, the Bad & the Ugly - Das Niko
I love Niko’s talks because he sticks straight to the technical, and he’s not afraid to challenge conventional wisdom. That always makes for a good talk.
15:00 Quantum 1+2 - Visual Studio Code for Java and Spring Devs - Bruno Borges
This quote alone from the abstract is striking for its honesty and candor: “Installing the right extensions in VS Code results in a powerful yet lightweight code editing experience that comes close to the feature richness of existing Java IDEs.” Having been experienced with NetBeans and, to a lesser extent IntelliJ idea, I am certainly willing to try other tools. Let’s see what VS Code for Java has to show.
16:00 Lecture Tent - Datenflut: Ertrinken oder auf der Welle reiten? Tanja Schmidt
I’m excited to understand how to go fishing in a Data Lake. I expect Tanja will explain it all and more.
17:00 Wintergarden - Panel: Zukunft Java
There is a lot to talk about here. Knowing Hendrik it will be entertaining and informative.
18:00 Quantum 1+2 - The Future of Java and You - Heather Vancura
If you’ve wondered about the continuing role of the JCP in a world where plain-ole-Open Source (PooS) and the Jakarta Project are also valid governance choices, this talk should answer your questions.
19:00 Wintergarden - Revisiting Effective Java in 2019 Edson Yanaga
I’ve long felt that Java’s biggest education problem is the challenge of teaching only the good stuff. The classic book on which this talk is based does that very well. I look forward to hearing Edson’s perspective on Josh Bloch’s java gem.
09:00 Rotunde - Welcome Failure Leichter gesagt als getan! Sabine Wojcieszak
I’ve never seen a session from this speaker, but she seems like an excellent speaker and the talk promises to tease apart blame from responsibility. It’s an ambitious agenda for 40 minutes, but a great chance to meet and talk about this important topic more, perhaps over an ice cream across the way from Quantum 1+2.
10:00 Schauspielhaus - Wie fit ist Java für die Cloud? - Roland Huß
I’m choosing this talk just based on the experience of the speaker and the topic. Roland is the man behing the Docker Maven Plugin. I expect to see a critical assesment of Java and the cloud.
11:00 Silverado - Community-Keynote: Kampf der Giganten
The community keynote at JavaOne is often a humorous and informative look at what’s has happened in the Java community in the past year. I expect this will be similar. I’ve been invited to participate!
12:00 STOCKs - Kubernetes Runtime Security: When Contaniers Go Bad - Jen Tong
Knowing how many people allow their Docker ENTRYPOINT
to run as root,
I’m curious to see what Jen has to say about security in containers.
13:00 Quantum 1+2 - Java WebStart ist tot - Wie geht es nun weiter? - Hendrik Ebbers
I have nothing to do with client side Java any more, but I remember really loving Java WebStart back in the day. I wonder where it will go now?
14:00 STOCKs - When Technology and humanly collides - Marieme Jamme
We need more talks like this about the societal impact of what we do as programmers. I can’t wait to see this one. Even though the abstract is very sparse, I’m sure it’s worth attending.
15:00 Schauspielhaus - Java-Hacker und Zwillingsmama - Martina Baumer
Work and life balance was a theme I explored in the Rockstar Programmer book. Unfortunately, all the people I interviewed were men. I can’t wait to see Martina’s female perspectives on this important topic.
16:00 Quantum 3+4 - Testing Java Microservices - Andy Gumbrecht
Andy has written an excellent book from which he is extracting this talk. I’ve seen it before and it’s great. You should see it too.
17:00 Wintergarden - The Dark Side of Java 8 - Grzegorz Piwowarek
I love to get outside perspectives on the success or failure of our Java releases. I’m wondering what he thinks is wrong with the Stream API? We’ll see!