Raw Notes: Community-Controlled Jakarta EE with JAX-RS and MVC
Raw Notes: Community-Controlled Jakarta EE with JAX-RS and MVC, Christian Kaltepoth, Markus Karg, Ivar Gramstad
Arrived late, Markus was sharing what has happened on the JAX-RS spec since it was somewhat transferred to Jakarta
COMMENT: Could not read the slides.
A fair amount of complaining about the roadblocks.
Oracle is still the official lead
We must not use the terms “Java” and “JAX-RS”.
Must not publish any new features.
TCK still not under their control
Spec doc still under Oracle sole control!
COMMENT: It seems like this effort is stalled
Getting into gear
Fix the above problems
pruning commiters to only active people
Publish the roadmap.
COMMENT: again, cannot read the slides.
Christian Kaltepoth. Bio.
Reviewing the old Java EE 8 survey, the creation of MVC, in 2014!
What happened next
Relicense under Apache 2
Migrate project structure
Finished RI
Created TCK
JCP stuff.
Trademark issues
Eclipse Development Process (EDP)
Clean intellectual property
Using the infrastructure from Eclipse. Works well enough.
What’s next?
Finish the spec thru JCP: in the next month!
Migrate spec and TCK to Eclipse EE4J
First real release of Jakarta EE8
Become a part of Jakarta EE 9!
Jakarta EE
There is a lot going on, but we have not conveyed it to the community.
COMMENT: I like how he owns that they need to do better about communicating the mission.
- Loved the timeline.
TCK note: use a bottom up process
IMPORTANT: Eclipse Foundation Specification Process
- Plan to finalize at the meeting today! JavaLand is timely again.
Showed the scrum board. Awesome.
- Especially the blog https://jakartablogs.ee/