Raw Notes: Master your Java Applications in Kubernetes
CV Slide. History from consulting, banks, insurance, on-prem
- Cloud is not his history, but now he’s all about it.
Choose your Java runtime
Build and execute your app
Create your image
Run in K8s
Final thoughts
How to decide to go with k8s
Top down or bottom up?
How to integreate?
Slow startup: naieve impl of monolith decomposition. Take EE app, put it in container, run on k8s.
K8s is for horizontal scaling, not vertical scaling
You can horizontally scale infinitely, until the first bill comes in!
More hands working with K8s
Choosing the Java runtime
Container aware?
Since 8u131 & JDK 9
Changes in 8u191 & JDK10
CommentL what does he mean with container aware?
Many options out there.
OpenJ9 is the IBM JDK
Contributed to Eclipse in 2017
Take OpenJDK, replace Hotspot
Small memory footprint and fast startup.
Universal VM for running various langauges
Removes isolation and enables interop
How is this related to K8s
JVM needs to be aware of containers CPU and memory
Keep the memory and size footprint small
Keep it with fast startup time. You can burn money for no good.
“Basic” container specific flags
Ahead of time compilation (AOT)
Application Class Data Sharing
Since JDK10 (JEP310)
Flag UseAppCDS (automatically enabled in JDK12)
Reduce memory footprint startup time
Needs two prep steps
Start a vertx app
Create AppCDS,
, but does not include all the classes. -
Create archive file from
. -
COMMENT: this is really great. Explore this.
CDS and AOT in OpenJ9
enable class data sharing and AOT is enabled by default
Looks like it does the preceding for you automatically.
Native compilation
Based on Graal compiler
Download GraaLVM
Build fat jar
native-image -jar app.jar && ./app
Works with Micronaut, Spark Java, Vert.X.
Not there yet.
Benchmarks: Always do your own
Create your images
Shrink your images to a minimum
FROM openjdk:12-ea-jdk-alpine3.8: as builder
jlink –add-modules … –output /opt/jre-minimal
COPY –from=builder /opt/jre-minimal /opt-jre-minimal
Create lean images
put most changeable stuff lowest at bottom of Dockerfile
FROM adoptopenjdk/openjdk11-openj9:alpine-slim
Think about your images
- Try to avoid “fat” jars and wars.
Choosing your top level FROM image
Look for vendor-specific images
Don’t use :latest, or no tag.
DEMO: Graal Native
- A bunch of
docker run
. Thendocker stats
- A bunch of
Run the app in K8s.
Share your CDS files in K8s
Set resource request limits. PodSpec:
resources.requests.{memory,cpu} resources.requests.limits.{memory,cpu}
Apply quotas on Namepsace level.
ConfigMaps & Secrets to externalize your config
Final thoughts
Avoid infrastructure code in your applications
Service mesh with circuit breaker
Service discovery using DNS or Labels in K8s
Configuration via ConfigMap
Helm charts to ship your application
Package manager like “apt” in Debian
Kubernetes Operators helps you manage upgrades, lifecycle, and insights.
Don’t overlook serverless
Better utilization of your cluster: accomodate different workloads
Knative, an operator from Google and Pivotal
GraalVM and other projects focusing on low footprint & fast startup
Why optimize? COSTS. Smaller footprint, CPU, cycles, pay per use.
- lifecycle has changed. Startup is now critical.