How to add audio to a video in “Photos for Windows 10”.

  1. Start Photos

  2. Click Video Projects

  3. Click “Custom audio” in the top right of the window, Between “Background music” and “Sync to OneDrive”.-

  4. Set the “in” marker in the timeline where you want the audio to start.

  5. You may need to work with the audio before you add it. I used these steps.

    a. The audio file in my case was a narration I recorded using Windows 10 Voice Recorder. This gives you files in .m4a format.

    b. I wanted to trim the file so I had to convert it to WAV so I could edit it with Audacity.

    c. I installed ffmpeg for windows from This gives you ffmpeg.exe which you can use from the command prompt.

    d. CD to the directory containing the .m4a file.

    e. Convert it like this: C:\PROGRA~2\FFMPEG~1\ffmpeg.exe -i input.m4a output.wav

  6. Click “Add audio file”, select the output.wav file in the file browser, click ok, click Done.

  7. Click “Finish video” and select a place to save the file.